Welcome to our women’s health blog. In this blog, we’ll explore the challenges faced by women and show how physiotherapy can help overcome them. Physiotherapists in this field uses a variety of techniques like exercises, manual therapy, and education to help women get better. 

Common women’s helath issue

Some of the common issues in women include pelvic floor dysfunction, menstrual health and for pregnancy women like diastasis recti, posture related back pain, sacroiliac pain, pre and postnatal concerns

Pelvic pain dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction occurs when the muscles of pelvic floor become weakened leading problems such as urinary incontinence, pelvic pain or difficulty bowel movements. Physiotherapy can help by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, improving coordination and manage to reduce symptoms.  

Menstural Health

Muscle cramps typically occurs just before or during menstruation and is felt in the lower back, abdomen, and hips Physiotherapy can relieve the cramps through the treatments like heat packs and modalities like TENS, and some exercises can help with period cramps. 

Diastis Recti

It is a condition in which the abdominal muscles separate, creating a gap in the mid of abdomen due to pregnancy. This can lead to bulging of belly, lower back pain and core weakness. Physiotherapy can help to strengthen the core muscles, reduce the gap and restore the abdominal strength. 

  Pre and Postnatal Concerns

Prenatal period is before the birth of a child and postnatal is after the birth of a child. In prenatal period, physiotherapy helps to relieve pain, strengthen muscles and prepare the body for childbirth  In postnatal period, physiotherapy helps to restore the muscle strength, improves posture, provide guidance on safe exercises and supports in caring of a newborn. 

 Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in women’s health helps in maintaining bone density and mobility, which is important for preventing osteoporosis related fractures. It also helps in managing menstrual related pain and disorders, such as dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. 

Physiotherapy develop awareness and control of posture during and after pregnancy.  It prepares physically for labor, delivery and postpartum activities and prevents impairments associated with pregnancy. 

It maintains healthy weight range which is crucial for overall health and reduce risk of various conditions. Physiotherapy promotes relaxation techniques which helps to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. The personalized care from physiotherapists can provide emotional support during pregnancy. 

Preventive tips for women during preganancy

  • Staying hydrated and exercising regularly is very important in pregnancy. If you’ve never been to the gym before, don’t start now during pregnancy and avoid lifting heavy weights while you’re pregnant. 
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and avoid certain foods like undercooked, and unpasteurized dairy products. 
  • Avoid activities with a risk of falling as it is dangerous for the baby. Keep your caffeine consumption limited and avoid stressful situations. 
  • Wear comfortable clothes and footwear to prevent falls and discomfort. Regularly monitor your body weight during pregnancy.  
  • Maintaining good posture is important during pregnancy to support your growing belly and reduce back pain.